Tokyo PE Celebrates Women’s Month 2018
The Philippine Embassy in Tokyo celebrated Women’s Month with a three part lecture series aimed at honoring women’s achievements in different fields.
On 23 February, United Nations Under-Secretary-General (USG) for Internal Oversight Services Heidi Mendoza, in her talk entitled, “Good Governance and Women Empowerment” shared her over 20 years of government service where she championed anti-corruption and integrity advocacies. Using metaphors of the roles of women, USG Mendoza gave a thought-provoking presentation on the choices one needs to make and the discernment needed to achieve a fulfilling career.

Under-Secretary General Heidi Mendoza of Internal Oversight Services of the United Nations graced the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo and talked about her experiences in working in the government and in an international organization.
On 02 March, Former Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Retired Ambassador Delia Domingo Albert talked about “Women in Diplomacy” and her experiences starting from her life as a student in Japan, an assistant of Former Secretary of Foreign Affairs Narciso Ramos, a diplomat in Germany and Australia to becoming the country’s top diplomat. She shared her insights on what characteristics are needed to successfully pursue one’s aspirations in life, particularly for a career in diplomacy.

Former Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Retired Ambassador Delia Domingo Albert speaks in front of the officers and staff of the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo on being a successful woman diplomat.
On 09 March, the Embassy invited the following guests for a talk show entitled “Conversations with Global Filipinas in Japan,” namely: Ms. Jean Margaret Acaylar, a Senior Account Manager of a software company in Tokyo; Dr. Maria Vanessa Balois, a Doctor of Science in Electronic Chemistry and Research Fellow/Visiting Scientist at the Riken Center for Advanced Photonics; Ms. Wendy Kanna, Head of the Cyber Security Department of a Pharmaceutical Company; Dr. Zenith Gaye Orozco, a Post-Doctoral Fellow/Project Researcher at the Laboratory of Aquatic Animal Physiology of the University of Tokyo; Ms. Amina De Ramos Papera, Operations Head of Digital Wallet Corporation; Atty. Diana Gervacio Tang, Foreign Counsel of Nagashima Ohno and Tsunematsu; Ms. Irene Alao Sakurai, Internal Recruitment Consultant in Ahead Consulting Managed Services; Ms. Ana Marie Sayon, an IT Business Analyst in Financial Companies in Tokyo; and Ms. Evangeline Alberto Tesalona, proprietor of Gain English Communication (GEC). They inspired the audience with insights on their experiences as women working in Japan and contributing to a more gender sensitive/ gender equal society. END

From left to right: First Secretary Leah Victoria C. Rodriguez, Ms. Amina De Ramos Papera, Dr. Maria Vanessa Balois, Dr. Zenith Gaye Orozco, Ms. Jean Margaret Acaylar, H.E. Ambassador Jose C. Laurel V, Deputy Chief of Mission Eduardo Martin R. Meñez, Ms. Wendy Kanna, Ms Ana Marie Sayon, Ms. Evangeline Alberto Tesalona, Ms. Irene Alao Sakurai, Atty. Diana Gervacio Tang and Second Secretary Kristine Margret Malang.