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Schedule of Holidays for 2025

The Philippine Embassy in Tokyo will be closed to the public in observance of the following public holidays.

January 01 Wednesday New Year’s Day PHL
February 10 Monday National Foundation Day in lieu of 11 February JPN
February 24 Monday Emperor’s Birthday JPN
March 21 Friday Vernal Equinox in lieu of 20 March JPN
April 17 Thursday Maundy Thursday PHL
April 18 Friday Good Friday PHL
May 05 Monday Children’s Day JPN
May 06 Tuesday Greenery Day JPN
June 13 Friday Independence Day in lieu of 12 June PHL
July 21 Monday Marine Day JPN
August 11 Monday Mountain Day JPN
August 25 Monday National Heroes’ Day PHL
September 15 Monday Respect for the Aged Day JPN
October 13 Monday Sport’s Day JPN
October 31 Friday All Saint’s Day Eve PHL
November 03 Monday Culture Day JPN
December 24 Wednesday Christmas Eve PHL
December 25 Thursday Christmas Day PHL
December 30 Tuesday Rizal Day PHL
December 31 Wednesday Last Day of the Year PHL

The above schedule does not include any unforeseen non-working holidays which may be declared by the Philippine and/or Japanese Governments, as and when necessary.

Tokyo, 15 November 2024