PSA Official Meets With Japanese Counterparts on the Japanese National Identification System

Assistant Secretary Daniel A. Ariaso, Deputy National Statistician, (2nd from clockwise), meets with Director Takeshi Sasano (5th clockwise) and other officials of the Social Security and Tax Number System of the Cabinet Secretariat.

(Left to right): Deputy Director Inagaki, First Secretary and Consul Leah Rodriguez, Deputy Director Naokuni Matsubayashi, Deputy Director Aya Suzukawa, Director Takeshi Sasano, Assistant Secretary Daniel Ariaso, and Minister and Consul Evan Ong Jimenez Ducrocq.
Following the passage into law of Republic Act No. 11055, known as “An Act Establishing the Philippine Identification System,” Assistant Secretary Daniel A. Ariaso, the Deputy National Statistician of the Civil Registration and Central Support Office, met with his counterparts from Japan’s Office of the Social Security and Tax Number System of the Cabinet Secretariat to learn more about the Japanese national identification system.
The meeting was held last Monday, August 27 at the Cabinet Secretariat office in Tokyo. Embassy officials Minister and Consul Evan T. Ong Jimenez-Ducrocq and First Secretary and Consul Leah Victoria C. Rodriguez were also present in the meeting.
Director Takeshi Sasano of the Cabinet Secretariat led the briefing on the “My Number” system, which has been in full implementation for a year. The law for the system was enacted in 2013 and the notification to residents were done from 2015 to 2017. The system aims to contribute to a fair and just society; enhanced public service; and improved administrative efficiency. My Number is a 12-digit identification number all Japanese nationals and permanent residents have for taxation, social security and disaster response purposes.
The Philippine Statistics Authority is the implementing agency of the national identification system of the Philippines or PhilSys as to the overall planning, management, and administration of the system.