Philippines Draws Inspiration From Flying Geese Formation on Decarbonization Efforts
04 March 2023 – The Philippines, led by Energy Secretary Raphael P.M. Lotilla participated in the Asia Zero Emission Community (AZEC) Ministerial Meeting and AZEC Public-Private Investment Forum (PPIF) on 03 – 04 March 2023, held at the Hotel New Otani, Tokyo, Japan.
In his statement, Secretary Lotilla highlighted the Philippines’ gradual transition to a low-carbon economy which entails the diversification of the country’s energy sources, especially cleaner and indigenous sources to intensify decarbonization efforts across all economic sectors as part of a broader national energy strategy.
He likewise imparted that the country is exerting enormous efforts to fully embrace the path to sustainable energy and that climate change will be the center of the country’s energy sectoral and project development planning.
In his concluding statement, Secretary Lotilla said, “Our collective migration to a low-carbon future draws parallels to that of a flock of migrating geese. When geese fly in a V-formation, the flock’s overall efficiency increases by 70%. Their wings flap at varying speeds, reflecting their relative strengths at different points along the way. But their coordinated flight creates air patterns that lift everyone, reduces flying effort for each goose, and stretches the distance the entire flock can cover. These make every goose indispensable for reaching the ultimate goal.”
“May we, like our winged relatives, soar together and reach our planet’s zero emission goal as one,” the Secretary further encouraged his counterparts.

The Philippine delegation at the AZEC Ministerial Meeting. From left to right: DOE Assistant Secretary Ronald V. Conquilla, Minister and Consul Leah Victoria C. Rodriguez, Energy Secretary Raphael P.M. Lotilla, Ambassador-designate Mylene J. Garcia-Albano, and DOE Undersecretary and PH SOE Leader Felix William B. Fuentebella.
In January 2022, Prime Minister Kishida announced the AZEC initiative, with the aim of sharing the philosophy of promoting decarbonization in Asian nations and cooperation to push forward the energy transition. AZEC recognized that there are various and practical pathways towards carbon neutrality/net zero emissions while achieving sustainable economic growth depending on the circumstances of each country.
The AZEC Ministerial Meeting was participated by Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, and Viet Nam. As AZEC Partners, the countries jointly committed to accelerating a clean, sustainable, just, affordable, and inclusive energy transition towards carbon neutrality/net-zero emissions in the Asian region building on the mutual trust cultivated over the years, through the adoption of the AZEC Joint Ministerial Statement.
Likewise, the AZEC Public-Private Investment Forum was participated by selected Ministers, various government organizations and affiliates, Japanese private companies, as well as overseas companies.