Philippine Embassy Holds Seminar-Workshop On Office Decorum and Anti-Red Tape Laws

Ms. Ditta Mae C. Siena (middle) poses with Consul-General Marian R. Tirol-Ignacio (left) and Charge d’ Affaires, a.i., Eduardo M.R. Meñez of the Embassy. The Embassy awards Ms. Siena with the Certificate of Commendation as resource speaker in a seminar-workshop held on 23 January 2017. Photo by JP Perez.
The Philippine Embassy in Tokyo revisited laws on office decorum and anti-red tape in a 3-hour seminar-workshop entitled, “Para sa Bayan”, held at the Embassy Multi-Purpose Hall on 23 January 2017 attended by 47 personnel led by Mr. Eduardo M.R. Meñez, Charge d’ Affaires, a.i.
The seminar-workshop was given by Ms. Ditta Mae C. Siena, a Senior Human Resource Specialist of Civil Service Commission (CSC), who highlighted her presentation with two important laws relevant to public office, namely: RA No. 6713, otherwise known as “The Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees and Its Implementing Rules and Regulations”, and RA No. 9485 or “The Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007” or more commonly known as ARTA among government employees. Participants in the seminar-workshop actively participated in the discussions and activities facilitated by the resource speaker. The seminar-workshop also generated observations and recommendations among the participants aimed at improving delivery of frontline and other services to the public.
In his opening remarks, CDA Meñez expressed appreciation to Ms. Siena for accepting the invitation by the Embassy for her to give a lecture on topics of her expertise. Ms. Siena is currently in Tokyo as a graduate student on scholarship at Meiji University.
The seminar-workshop was the first of the series of year-long events as part of the Embassy’s re-tooling and career development programs for its personnel.

Philippine Embassy personnel in Tokyo actively partiicpate in the discusisons and activities during the seminar workshop conducted by Ms. Ditta Mae C. Siena (standing right with microphone), a Senior Human Resource Specialist of Civil Service Commission and a graduate studies scholar at Meiji University in Tokyo. Photo by Dax Imperial.