Philippine Embassy Explores Closer Cooperation with Japanese Parliament
ASEAN diplomatic officials participated in a Parliamentary Study Program on 10 September 2019 at the National Diet of Japan. Participants were briefed by the Diet Secretariat on parliamentary and legislative procedures, Constitutional history and the march of Japan towards parliamentary democracy. ASEAN Member State representatives based in Tokyo also discussed possible areas for enhancing cooperation with the Diet.
Although the political systems of the Philippines and Japan are different, both countries maintain close ties arising from, among others, their shared belief in democracy and the importance of popular participation in political processes, and a commitment to the protection of fundamental freedoms.

Deputy Chief of Mission Robespierre Bolivar (front row, second from the left) and Minister for Political Affairs Evangeline Ducrocq (front row, leftmost) stand in front of the Diet building.
This is the third such Parliamentary Study Program organized by the Japanese Diet. The Diet hosted this edition of the Study Program exclusively for the Embassies of ASEAN Member States.