MMDA Chairman and Metro Manila Mayors Apply Lessons Learned From “Lakbay-Aral” Visit To Tokyo, Call on Governor Masuzoe
18 March 2015, Tokyo – Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) Chairman Francis N. Tolentino and the Metro Manila Mayors today held a meeting of the Metro Manila Council at the Philippine Embassy in Roppongi to consolidate and undertake a practical application in their cities and municipalities of the lessons learned during their “Lakbay-Aral” visit in Tokyo from 15-19 March 2015.
Chairman Tolentino presided over the meeting with the mayors and representatives from the cities of Manila, Quezon, Caloocan, Pasay, Mandaluyong, Pasig, Marikina, Muntinlupa, Las Piñas, Paranaque, Valenzuela, Malabon, Taguig, Navotas and San Juan and the municipality of Pateros. The governing board and policy making body of the MMDA is the Metro Manila Council, composed of the mayors of the cities and municipalities.
In applying the lessons learned during the study-visit, the Council adopted a number of resolutions most of which aim to facilitate the study by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) on reclamation projects, ring dikes for flood control, development of a waste management strategy including the conduct of a feasibility

The Metro Manila Council approves various resolutions to apply the lessons learned during the study-visit to Tokyo.
study for a waste treatment plant, the road network for Metro Manila including an integrated circumferential road network to interconnect C3 and C5, and a ferry system along major waterways in Metro Manila such as the Pasig river to include a traffic separation scheme and ship routing system to ensure the safe navigation of the ferry boats.
The Council also adopted a resolution to establish a cooperation agreement between the MMDA and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) to enhance the disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) programs of Metro Manila.
The study-visit of the MMDA executives and the Metro Manila Mayors was conducted with the assistance of JICA, which gave a briefing for the local executives on JICA projects and activities in Metro Manila especially on the urban development road map.
During the “Lakbay-Aral”, Chairman Tolentino and the Metro Manila Mayors had a briefing on the mass transport system at the Yokohama Transportation Bureau on 16 March 2015 that took them to a ride on the Yokohama subway, a meeting with JICA senior officials in the afternoon of 16 March, a visit to the Honjo Disaster Prevention Center on 17 March 2015 for a demonstration of the DRRM programs including the public education and preparedness for earthquakes using an earthquake simulator, call on Tokyo Governor Yoichi Masuzoe in the afternoon of 17 March, and a visit to the New Koto Waste Processing Plant on 18 March 2015 to observe the waste collection and recycling system.
During the call on Gov. Masuzoe, MMDA Chairman Tolentino cited the strong city-to-city cooperation between Metro Manila and Tokyo especially on programs to address common issues such as pollution, traffic management, waste recycling and disposal, mass housing, DRRM measures especially during floods, and health care. Chairman Tolentino expressed appreciation for the cooperation between the MMDA and the TMC.
In response, Gov. Masuzoe assured the continue support of the TMG to the efforts of the MMDA and the Metro Manila Mayors to improve the services to their respective constituents. The Governor also briefed his guests on the DRRM measures of Tokyo including the 4 mass disaster drills held annually to prepare the residents of Greater Tokyo for a strong earthquake as part of the lessons learned from the Great Tohoku Earthquake that struck East Japan in March 2011. Gov. Masuzoe said disaster preparedness is essential for the safety, security and well-being of the Tokyo residents.
The Governor also briefed the Metro Manila local executives on the development programs of Tokyo that will bring about a changing landscape for the city especially towards the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. He also expressed appreciation for some 180,000 Filipino tourists who visited Tokyo and other areas of Japan in 2014, which is a 70% increase from the number of Filipino tourist arrivals in 2013. Former President and Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada and Mayor Herbert Bautista of Quezon City, in their response, thanked Gov. Masuzoe for meeting them at the TMG and for the learning experience especially the DRRM measures of the TMG for earthquakes. They encouraged MMDA Chairman Tolentino to undertake a similar earthquake drill for the Metro Manila area.

Amb. Lopez and Madame Lopez host dinner reception for MMDA Chairman Tolentino, Metro Manila Mayors and JICA and TMG officials in Nampedai.
Prior to the conclusion of their study-visit, Ambassador and Madame Manuel M. Lopez hosted a dinner reception for the delegation at the Nampedai compound of the Embassy. During the program, Chairman Tolentino presented to Amb. Lopez a resolution unanimously approved by the Council during their meeting in the afternoon expressing appreciation for the assistance of the officers and staff of the Embassy during the preparation and actual conduct of the 5-day “Lakbay-Aral.”
With Chairman Tolentino, Mayors Estrada and Bautista, the delegation includes Senator Joseph Victor Ejercito, Mayor Oscar Malapitan of Caloocan City, Mayor John Reynald Tiangco of Navotas City, Mayor Antolin Oreta III of Malabon City, Mayor Guia Gomez of San Juan City, Mayor Jaime Fresnedi of Muntinlupa City, Mayor Antonino Calixto of Pasay City, Mayor Edwin Olivarez of Parañaque City, Mayor Del R De Guzman of Marikina City, Mayor Belen Eusebio of Pasig City, Mayor Jaime Medina of Pateros, former Mayor Imelda Aguilar of Las Piñas City, former Mayor Robert Eusebio of Pasig City, and MMDA executives. END