Enjoying Filipino Sweet Treats in Japan

Online cooking class through Instagram live by Tatsuya and Shino of Gucci Fuufu held on 06 March 2021.
As part of the Embassy’s promotion of Filipino products to Japanese audiences, Tatsuya and Shino of the popular Gucci Fuufu channel featured turon and cream cheese during the online Filipino Food Cooking Demo/Seminar held on 06 March 2021 at Gucci Fuufu Instagram account (https://www.instagram.com/gucci_fuufu/).
The cooking demo has now garnered 100,300 views, with over 1,000 entries joining the raffle which ran from 16 – 22 February 2021. 25 people won Auro chocolate and dried mangoes by draw.
The Instagram Live may still be accessed through: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CME6wLTnXCk/?igshid=1r7lstjvbjv88.
Guchi Fufu is an influencer couple with over 700,00 followers in Instagram and has worked on easy-to-make authentic recipes that are attracting attention of people in and outside of Japan.