Philippine Embassy Strengthens Cooperation on Safety of Shipping
On 12 September, Philippine Embassy officials called on the Secretariat of the Tokyo MOU for an initial exchange of ideas on how to intensify technical cooperation in order to help the Philippines develop its blue economy more robustly using effective port State control mechanisms and measures.

Minister for Political Affairs Evangeline Ducrocq (3rd from left) and Political Section Assistant Mahabsar Lucman (2nd from left) call on Tokyo MOU Secretary Hideo Kubota. Also present are Deputy Secretary Hiroyasu Kawai, Technical Officer Ning Zheng, and Projects Officer Fumiko Akimoto
The Philippines, as a member of the Asia-Pacific Memorandum of Understanding on port state control (the Tokyo MOU), works with other member states in Asia and the Pacific in a regional port State control (PSC) regime through cooperation in harmonization of members’ activities, with the end of eliminating sub-standard shipping, of promoting maritime safety and security, protecting the marine environment and safeguarding seafarers working and living conditions on board ships.
The Tokyo MOU was signed in Tokyo on 01 December 1993 and came into effect on 01 April 1994. The Philippines is represented in the Tokyo MOU by the Philippine Coast Guard.