Philippine Embassy in Tokyo Conducts Lecture on Consular Services in Hamamatsu City

Filipinos in Hamamatsu City listen to 2nd Secretary & Consul Bryan Lao as various topics are discussed.
The Philippine Embassy in Tokyo, in cooperation with the Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange (HICE), reached out to Filipinos in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture through a lecture-forum on various consular matters which was held at the Hamamatsu Multicultural Center last 15 July 2012.
An estimated one hundred participants attended the lecture to listen to Second Secretary and Consul Bryan Dexter Lao as he shared important details concerning consular services and discussed relevant issues affecting the lives of Filipinos living in Japan.
Members of the non-profit organization based in Hamamatsu, Filipino Nagkaisa, were also present to lend assistance and support to the activity.

Filipino Nagkaisa members, HICE Coordinator Lissa Kikuyama and 2nd Secretary and Consul Bryan Lao before the start of the lecture-forum.