Philippine Embassy Tokyo Celebrates ASEAN@50
In celebration of the 50th Year Anniversary of the Founding of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo held a special flag-raising ceremony on 08 August 2017 at the Embassy Lobby.

H.E. Ambassador Laurel led the flag-raising ceremony attended by Embassy officers, staff and Partner Agencies.

Embassy officers and Partner Agencies reenacted the “ASEAN Handshake,” the traditional handshake of ASEAN leaders which represents the fundamental principles of ASEAN.
In a show of solidarity with the ASEAN Community, the celebration included the singing of “ASEAN Way,” the official anthem of ASEAN and the reading of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte’s message as current chair of ASEAN on its 50th year.
His Excellency, Ambassador Jose C. Laurel V, in his message, reflected on the hard work of the founding fathers of ASEAN, which includes the Philippines’ Narciso R. Ramos, former Secretary of Foreign Affairs and father of former President Fidel V. Ramos. Ambassador Laurel reiterated the President’s call to “work closely with our ASEAN brothers and sisters to ensure ASEAN’s legacy will be enjoyed by our peoples in the region as we move onward to the next 50 years as partners for change, engaging the larger world.” END