Philippine Diplomat Wins the Minister of Education Award at the 25th Japanese Speech Contest for Foreign Diplomats in Japan
The Embassy of the Philippines’ Second Secretary and Consul Jan Kenneth E. Bolante won the Minister of the Education Award at the recent 25th Japanese Speech Contest for Foreign Diplomats in Japan.
Consul Bolante centered his speech on his personal impression of the Japanese Daruma dolls, how it did scare him at first, but later grew an appreciation for them after learning that the dolls are highly regarded as a symbol of “Good luck” and “Perseverance” in Japanese Culture. Whenever he sees Daruma dolls, he is now drawn toward them.
A total of 13 countries participated in this year’s speech contest held on 03 November 2022 in Minato City, Japan. Prominent supporters of this annual event are the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Minato Local Government, NHK Broadcasting, etc.