Mobile Passport Services and Voters’ Registration in Okinawa
A seven-man consular team from the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo jump-started this year’s program for consular outreach missions with passport services and voters’ registration for Filipinos in Okinawa Prefecture.
Held last March 17, 2012 at the office of the Philippine Honorary Consulate General located at Ginowan City, Okinawa, Japan, a total of one-hundred eighteen (118) Filipinos availed of passport renewal services.
Ninety-three (93) Filipinos submitted applications for registration as overseas absentee voters in this first-ever OAV registration campaign in Okinawa.
The embassy consular team was composed of Consul Bryan Dexter Lao, Mr. Algier L. Divino, Mrs. Thelma M. Divino, Mr. Eduardo Soliman, Mrs. Amalia Sibug, Ms. Vanesa Sumera, and Mr. Mars Zafra.

(Okinawa, Japan) Embassy personnel as VRM operators assist two Filipinas in their registration.

(RIGHT) – Embassy personnel conducting pre-processing of documents before biometric data capture of epassport applicants. (TOP LEFT) – Mobile Data Capture Machine (DCM) operator collects the applicant’s documents for scanning. (BOTTOM LEFT) – Filipinos line up inside the office of the honorary consulate general awaiting their turn for biometric data capture.