Hanyu Elementary School Visits The Philippine Embassy

Students of Hanyu Elementary School visit the Embassy and pose for a class picture together with Philippine Embassy Charge d’Affaires, a.i. Eduardo M. R. Meñez. (Photo Credit: Ms. Mary Joy N. Duran-Mortel)
14 February 2016 – Charge d’Affaires, a.i. Eduardo Martin R. Meñez welcomed students from Hanyu Elementary School and officials from Hanyu City Education and Sports Office. In his message, CDA Meñez reminded the young students of the importance of learning the English language and encouraged them to consider visiting and studying in the Philippines.
Hanyu City, located in Saitama Prefecture, signed a Sister City Agreement with Baguio City on 11 February 1969. Since then, there has been a steady increase of cultural exchange between the two cities, including student exchange and language training programs. END