ASEAN Committee in Tokyo (ACT) Family Day Fosters Spirit of Community
The Philippine Embassy participated in the ASEAN Committee in Tokyo (ACT) hosted by the Embassy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar at the Kasai Rinkai Park, Tokyo on 9 November 2019.
The ACT Family Day featured friendly games participated in by the Ambassadors, embassy staff and family members, including games for children. The Philippine Embassy won first place in the lawn bowling competition.
An ikebana-making activity was also conducted as a symbol of ASEAN’s robust relationship with Japan.

Ambassador Laurel with his ikebana creation (left); Philippine Embassy team awarded 1st prize for lawn bowling (top right); Philippine Embassy team (bottom right)
After the games, each of the ASEAN Embassies shared their respective cuisines which everyone enjoyed.
The ACT Family Day is an annual activity that gathers embassy staff, personnel and family members to deepen friendships among representatives of ASEAN Member States in Japan. END
Photo Credits: TJ Mortel