Philippines Discuss Nuclear Energy With Japan

Ambassador-designate Mylene J. Garcia-Albano and PH delegation led by DOE Undersecretary Sharon Garin met with METI officials to exchange views on nuclear energy.
15 December 2022 – As the final leg of the Scientific Visit of Advanced Nuclear Technology, a delegation from the Philippines composed of the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (DOST-PNRI), and the National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR) met with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) last week to exchange views on nuclear energy.
Leading the Philippine delegation, DOE Undersecretary Sharon Garin shared her insights on the visit, and discussed possible areas of cooperation on energy with Japan; while PNRI Director Carlo Arcilla presented the status of nuclear power production in the Philippines. Deputy Commissioner Izuru Kobayashi of METI explained the current situation on utilization of nuclear energy in Japan.
Joining the Philippine delegation, Ambassador-designate Mylene J. Garcia-Albano remarked, “I am confident that energy cooperation between our countries will further develop and the Philippine Embassy will continue to assist in facilitating this cooperation.”
The visit was arranged by the JAIF International Cooperation Center (JICC), a private organization founded by Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (JAIF).