New Embassy Personnel and Their Families Attend Disaster Drill Exercise at Chuo City in Tokyo
02 September – Thirteen members of the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo comprising new personnel and their respective families who arrived in June 2018 joined 300 others who attended the disaster drill exercise held at Chuo City in Tokyo based on a scenario of a massive earthquake and tsunami in a bid to improve preparedness for the natural disasters that often hit Japan.
The nationwide exercises are held every 01 September known as Disaster Prevention Day, which marks the anniversary of the magnitude 7.9 that devastated Tokyo and its vicinity in 1923.
The drill was led by police and fire department personnel of Chuo City who introduced to participants the scenarios and available services of temporary shelters in the city the moment an emergency occurs.

Philippine Embassy personnel and other foreigners joining the emergency drill were given red-color vests to identify them as non-Japanese speakers by the volunteers.

Mr. Aurelio L. Exaltacion of the Philippine Embassy registers himself during the simulation exercises.