National Security Adviser General Hermogenes Esperon Holds Security and Other Meetings in Tokyo

National Security Adviser General Hermogenes Esperon visited the Isogo shipyard in Yokohama to view Coast Guard vessels. He received a briefing on shipbuilding activities in Japan.

Besides visiting Yokohama, NSA General Hermogenes Esperon also called on Japan Coast Guard Commandant Admiral Shuichi Iwanami. NSA General Esperon stressed the importance of Coast Guard cooperation.

The Philippine delegation from National Security Council and the Japan Coast Guard in a group photo.

NSA Esperon receives a briefing on operational procedures of the Japan Coast Guard. He presents a gift for JCG Coast Guard to Vice Commandant of Operations Takahiro Okoshima.
He also met his counterpart Mr. Shotaro Yachi, Japan’s National Security Adviser.