Ambassador Garcia-Albano Promotes Educational Exchanges, meets with Filipino Scholars and Faculty at University of Tsukuba

Top Photos (left and right): Philippine Ambassador Mylene J. Garcia-Albano during the meeting with officials of University of Tsukuba led by University President Dr. Kyosuke Nagata
Bottom Photo: Ambassador Garcia-Albano’s photo with the Filipino Scholars and professor at the University of Tsukuba
Philippine Ambassador Mylene J. Garcia-Albano promoted enhanced educational exchange programs between the Philippines and Japan during a visit to the University of Tsukuba on 19 July 2023. In her meeting with University President Dr. Kyosuke Nagata, the Ambassador encouraged the University to provide more avenues for Filipino students to apply for scholarships and study programs in Japan.
The Philippine Ambassador also met several Filipino students and a Filipino professor during this visit. The meeting was coordinated with FAST, an organization of Filipino scholars and students at the University of Tsukuba. The Ambassador exchanged views with them regarding their life at the University and their plans after finishing their respective degrees. There are currently 20 Filipino students in the University of Tsukuba who are in various levels from undergraduate to Masters, and Doctoral Programs.
Dr. Nagata and his colleagues discussed the University of Tsukuba’s Student Mobility Program, where the University sends its students and faculty members overseas through its exchange agreements with international institutions to instill in them a global perspective of education. At the same time, the University also actively welcomes students from around the world, including the Philippines, where they have exchange agreements with seven universities currently in place.
Dr. Nagata was joined by Mr. Jun Ikeda, Vice President and Executive Director for Global Affairs, Mr. Osamu Ohneda, Executive Officer for International Strategy, Mr. Nakao Nomura, Director, Office of International Exchange Support, and Ms. Keiko Sekimoto, Head of the Office of Global Initiatives.